Dear Visitor,
The prime objective of hosting this Website is to facilitate all our distinguished visitors a clear picture about our Bank.
We aspire, to make this website as user-friendly as possible, for which we seek your valuable opinion and suggestions for the betterment of our website and so please do not hesitate and feel free to communicate to us via the e-mail.
On behalf of KPARD Bank, I extend heartiest welcome to you at our official website which is designed to assist you in enjoying services being offered by KPARD Bank. Hope you enjoy and get benefitted from it.
As Chairman of the bank, I wish to assure you that we are committed to offer delightful banking experience to all of our regular or even casual clients. We try to compete with our past performance and constantly try to upgrade our products and services, systems and procedures. We most heartily welcome any suggestions coming our way from our customers and any member of the public. So, in case, you wish to say something about us, please do so here.
We are not only continually expanding our branch network but our range of products and services also.
I am very much thankful to our Shareholders, Accountholders, Staff Members, the officials of RCS, officials of NABARD, officials of HPSCARDB and well wishers.
Happy surfing,
Ram Chander Pathania